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Find below more details about the beneficiary.

The Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) is a part of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DEMETER is the national body for Agricultural Research and Technology in Greece (www.elgo.gr; www.vri.gr).
VRI is the principal organisation for animal health and welfare R&D and advice in Greece and aims to reduce environmental impacts and improve food quality. LIFE MiCliFeed involves mainly the Team of Parasitology which focus on the epidemiology of parasitic infections and the support of sustainable disease management schemes in livestock (including antiparasitic treatments and alternatives solutions) aiming to improve product quality/safety, addressing EU Policy priorities.

Veterinary Research Institute (VRI)

The Team

Dr Smaragda Sotiraki

Research Director – Project Coordinator & Team Leader

Dr. Panagiota Ligda

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Dr. Rania Baka

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Dr. Vaia Kantzoura

Assistant Researcher

Panagiotis Christoforidis

Laboratory Technician

Anastasios Ligdas

PhD student


Dr Smaragda Sotiraki

Research Director – Project Coordinator & Team Leader

She holds a Degree in Veterinary Medicine and a Doctorate in Veterinary Parasitology, both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and conducted post-doctoral research at the Veterinary School in Denmark between 2002 and 2004.

She is also a de facto member of the European College for Veterinary Parasitology and since 2018 and elected Member in the Board of EVPC serving as a Secretary up to 2021 and as Vice President from 2021 onwards.

Dr Sotiraki has over 20 years R&D and teaching experience in veterinary parasitology and health management, and she has produced over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-recognized journals with a noteworthy number of citations
(h index 26).

She has significant managerial experience in research projects.


Dr. Panagiota Ligda

Post-Doctoral Researcher

She graduated in Greece as a Molecular Biologist and Geneticist (Democritus University of
Thrace) and obtained a PhD degree in Veterinary Medicine from Ghent University, Belgium
in 2020.

She is a member of VRI since 2013 participating in several National and European Research
Projects, overseeing all molecular parasitology approaches employed. Her research focus is on waterborne and foodborne parasites, as well as vector-borne diseases.


Dr. Rania Baka

Post-Doctoral Researcher

She graduated as a veterinarian, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in 2012. She
completed an internship program in the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Animal Clinics Veterinary School from where she obtained her Master (2016) and PhD degree (2021).

She has significant clinical experience, and her research so far has focused on proteomics and neurology. She has only recently joined the VRI Team (2022) as a post-doctoral researcher.


Dr. Vaia Kantzoura

Assistant Researcher

She has studied Animal Science at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece and holds a master’s and a doctoral degree from the same university in the field of Veterinary Parasitology. She joined VRI in 2016, when she was appointed as a Researcher, and she has been participating in several National and European Research Projects. Her research focuses on the effects of parasitic diseases on animal health and the sustainable management of parasitic diseases in livestock animals with an emphasis on modern approaches.


Panagiotis Christoforidis

Laboratory Technician

He graduated as Medical Laboratory Technologist from the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, in 2016. Since then he has worked in abundant number of laboratories performing a variety of examinations aiming towards diagnosis. He is the newest member of VRI joined recently in January 2023.


Anastasios Ligdas

PhD student

He is a Molecular Biologist and Geneticist, graduated from Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Currently, he is a PhD student at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Ghent, Belgium. He is working at HAO- VRI since 2022, focusing his research on molecular approaches in the field of veterinary parasitology (i.e., diagnosis, anthelmintic resistance).
