The AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (AUA) was founded in 1920, with main objective to provide education and research in all fields of Agricultural Sciences. In MiCliFEED project AUA is involved through a research team of the Laboratory of Nutritional Physiology and Feeding, consisting of Professor S. Haroutounian and Dr. S. Koulocheri, graduate students and technicians.
The research group is active in the following scientific fields:
• Natural Products Valorization (exploitation of Greek biodiversity for the isolation of natural bioactive molecules)
• Circular Economy (management & valorization of agro-industrial process byproducts and wastes)
• Environment (calculation and reduction of carbon footprint in primary sector, climate change mitigation)
• Agricultural Products Certification (study- determination of peculiarities and certification of traditional Greek agricultural products and foods)
• Foods (development-production of novel food supplements and functional foods)
• Biomedical Research (control of angiogenesis and treatment of hormone-dependent diseases)
The research team has successfully completed the implementation of 31 research projects. Their outcome is included in 172 scientific publications and 2 patents. For these publications there are more than 4,500 citations in the international scientific literature.
Contribution to the project: AUA participates in the implementation of the following actions: A2, C1, C5, C6, C7, C8, D1, E1, E2, F1, F2.
Contact Information: Professor Serkos A. Haroutounian, Dr. Sofia Koulocheri
Laboratory of Nutritional Physiology and Feeding,
Faculty of Animal Bioscience, Department of Animal Science,
Agricultural University of Athens
Address: Iera Odos 75, Athens 11855
Tel: +30 201 529 4247 (SH office), +30 201 529 4246 (SK office), +30 210 529 4256 (lab)
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Web page: www.aua.gr/haroutounian
Agricultural University of Athens
Dr. Sofia Koulocheri’s (B.Sc. in chemistry, University of Patras; DEA, I. Ν. P. de Toulouse – É.N.S.C., France; PhD in Organic Synthesis, Agricultural University of Athens) teaching activities include courses in Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Organic Chemistry and Analytical Toxicology & Xenobiotics offered to the students of the Department of Animal Sciences.
Her research activities relate to the application of Organic and Analytical Chemistry for the development and study of molecules with interesting biological activities and potential applications to health (human or animal) and the agri/aqua-culture.
She has authored 26 scientific publications, consisting of 25 research articles and one review article in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, 2 monographs and one thesis.
He is Professor (and former Vice Rector) of the Agricultural University of Athens, President of ELGO-DIMITRA and elected member of FAO (Food Agriculture Organization) Executive Committee at the United Nations.
He has authored 172 publications in international scientific journals & books, with 4,500 citations in scientific journals. He holds 2 patents and is editorial board member of five international scientific journals. He has supervised the implementation of 12 doctoral (Ph.D.) and 17 master (M.Sc.) theses.
Currently, he supervises the implementation of 4 doctoral theses. His research interests concern the Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Bioactive Molecules with special focus on Circular Economy, Natural Products valorization, Promotion of Greek traditional products & foodstuffs and the development of novel Pharmaceuticals & Biocides.